Turan Law Academy

on Corporate and Commercial Law

Turan Law Academy is our new project been held in September-December 2021, within the framework of cooperation with ELSA Azerbaijan.

In this project, the selected participants were given a number of trainings on various topics by the experienced employees of our company for 1 month.
Law Academy Turan | Corporate law training in Baku
Law Academy Turan | Corporate law training in Baku
Training covers contract law, commercial law and labor law. A series of masterclasses were also held with well-known entrepreneurs. After the training, an exam was held to verify the acquired knowledge, and those who successfully completed this stage had the opportunity to work as interns at Turan LTS.

We created Turan Law Academy corporate law training for students, recent graduates or anyone who wants to build a career in law. Do not miss the chance to successfully complete the course and start working as an intern lawyer in our company!
Register for the academy
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+994 55 206 90 24
AZ1014, Baku, Azerbaijan, 37 Fuzuli str., Park View Business Center, 5th floor
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