Our Services | Key industries

Information Technology and Start-Up Industry

Startups are disruptive solutions to the proven market practice. These innovative solutions tend to cause regulatory ambiguity and create legal risks for both entrepreneurs and customers. Therefore, our experts in HR, Tax, Corporate, IT Law will help you identify major points that need to be considered before your business are being disrupted. We are actively working with Tech Companies & Startups and delivering training, workshops, and meetings to them with our partner Incubation & Acceleration Centers.
Our firm is the first legal firm in Azerbaijan specialized in providing extensive legal support to newly created Start-Up companies, as well as other evolving Businesses working in different fields of Information Technology. We help them thoroughly in the full life cycle of a Startup, from the development, establishment period, to funding and exit. Our cooperation with local and international acceleration and incubation centres are centred around assisting young Startuppers to be compliant with the regulations and laws
We represent our clients in the negotiations with potential investors and protect their interests in any case of investment they receive from third parties. After receiving funding from investors, we work with Startuppers closely to create a corporate structure and system to ensure the longevity of the business.
Navigate Startup Success. Click "Get a Consultation" for Legal Guidance Through Innovation, Funding, and Growth Challenges.
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Our areas of work in this sphere include:

  • Establishment of Corporate Governance Structure
  • Full Corporate Legal Support and Regulatory Compliance
  • Human Resources Management
  • Government Relations and Communications
  • Intellectual Property Disputes
  • Trademark and Patent Registration & Protection
  • Full Bidding Support in Public and Private Procurement
  • Antitrust and Competition
  • Risk Management and Compliance
  • Import and Export Operations
  • Full Contract Support: Negotiations, Drafting, Amendments and termination of the Contracts, including but not limited to Distribution, Supply, Sale Purchase Contracts, Lease agreements
  • Contract Management

Contact us

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+994 55 206 90 24
AZ1014, Baku, Azerbaijan, 37 Fuzuli str., Park View Business Center, 5th floor
© 2024 Turan Legal and Tax Services LLC.